2 hectic days .

Greeting Text  

  Hi guys ! It has been a while since the last update but TODAY I have a-not-so-interesting-story to tell you . Although it is that interesting , I'm still oing to post about it since I'm the owner . Muahahahahaha . //Doofenshmirtz's laugh

  Anyway , these past few days , I've been having bad lucks everywhereeeeee ~ . First , on 24th November . That day , I need to sit for UKM ( Ujian Kecenderungan MRSM ) since I applied . I'm supposed to dress neatly for a good impression . However , when I was ironing my clothes half an hour before going out , the electricity suddenly WENT OFF . We tried to wait but it didn't work . While waiting I tried to search the internet but I didn't have enough credits which means I HAVE NO INTERNET CONNECTION which is also another bad luck for me . That day , I ended up going to the test venue with wrinkled clothes . BUT , the bad luck didn't end there . I was answering the Mathematics questions when suddenly the teacher said we only have 5 minutes left and I have like 20 questions more . I ended up clicking random answers for 20 questions .

  Secondly , on 27th November 2014 which is today , I had a bad luck AGAIN . So , my brother and I went to Queensbay Mall for a walk as he only have like two days before going back to his college . We parked the car and went walking around the mall for couple of hours bla bla bla and it's finally time go back . It was almost 6 p.m . We went to pay for our parking and he asked for the ticket from me as he gave the ticket to me earlier . Guess what . I LOST THE TICKET . We went back to check if the ticket fell out of my pocket when I took out my wallet but it wasn't there . We checked twice and we finally went to the customer service to tell them that we lost the ticket and we need to pay for the lost ticket . 

  Fuuuuhh , what a hectic day . So that's it . I'll end my not-so-interesting-story here and thank you for reading . Excuse my grammar and spelling . :3

Thank You //BOW

Lessons learned :
  • Make early preparations .
  • Be VERY careful with your parking ticket .

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